Friday 26 August 2011

Nothing new under the Sun

So, Twitter love it or hate it, the micro-blogging site looks like it is here to stay. But in that very sentence is evidence of why many people, usually people over 40 who have never actually been near it, 'hate it'.

Any new club likes to have its own secret language which makes it members feel important part of their own society, set apart from everyone else. Trouble is if you are not part of the clique the secret language makes you feel left out, alienated. The non-cliquees then snipe at the club they do not belong to and that is exactly what has happenned with Twitter, I have lost count of the number of times I heard people attack it saying things like "I've no desire to see what people had for breakfast or when their last bowel movement was!"

I suspect that will be the normal part of the life-cycle of any new form of communication. When mobile phones first came into use they were dismissed by the many as playthings of the idiot rich now they are ubiquitous!

Anyway it looks like Twitter is here to stay, for a while at least, so we had better get used to it and, if you like me work in the communication business, work out how to harness its undoubted 'cut through to the committed' strengths to engage audiences more effectively.

This article is a good starter for ten!